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The PJ Library Family Continues to Grow

The PJ Library is continuing to pick up steam locally, with more than 445 children across the Lower Mainland receiving free Jewish books sent to their homes each month. The program also offers regular events that relate to the themes addressed in the books.

Building on the foundation created in the books, these events provide additional opportunities for families to meet each other, and for new families to get involved. Most recently, The PJ Library partnered with the Jewish Book Festival to bring renowned children’s writer Aubrey Davis to Vancouver.

Davis’ books, which include Bagels from Benny, Bone Button Borscht, The Enormous Potato, and his latest, Kishka for Koppel, are featured as part of The PJ Library collection. At the event, Davis entertained nearly 70 children with storytelling, rhymes, colouring and more. The PJ Library kids responded with lots of energy, laughter and jumping around. Getting children excited about Jewish stories and traditions from an early age is an important step in building meaningful connections between families and the community. For the seven new families who enrolled at the event, these connections will now be deepened on an ongoing basis at home thanks to their PJ Library experiences.

As more and more community members move farther from Jewish institutions, programs like The PJ Library take on greater importance in supporting young Jewish families to remain connected to their roots. Since its local inception less than two years ago, The PJ Library has partnered with numerous organizations including Chabad of Downtown’s City Gan program, the JCCGV Parent and Family Centre, and the Jewish Book Festival to offer activities that bring together the Jewish values found in the books and everyday life.

For more information about The PJ Library, including how to enrol your children or grandchildren, please visit